Wednesday, March 20, 2013

An Old Message.

     Hey guys, I know it's been awhile since I've written anything, and I'm deeply sorry to those who follow avidly. I've been fairly busy at school this semester and have had little time to sit down and write. Today I would like to talk about a message I'm sure I've mentioned before, however, it is one that is nevertheless important to remember: we must think outside of the box.
     As Christians, we often find ourselves content in daily ritual. Wake up, go to school/work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. On weekends we "mix it up" by attending church. Is this good though? Yes, getting plugged into a church is very good. By plugging into a church we are able to build ourselves up as Christians by feeding into a family of Christ, essentially extending our family in God. We build relationships under Gods roof and allow ourselves Gods grace through people. This being said, should we allow ourselves to sit idly in ritualistic living?
     Should we allow ourselves to become content in our daily lives? I think not. Don't get me wrong, I love the norm as much as the next guy, but are we called to be content? In the gospel, Jesus gives us a commission, a great commission to go out into the world and make disciples in his name; does that sound like a command to stay within the box? Jesus prevailed in obliterating the norms in which his twelve disciples lived by simply asking them to follow. Everything they thought possible was turned upside-down by Jesus as he taught them the message of God.
     We are called to emulate Jesus through our actions, I am here to say that I don't think this should be restricted to extending mercy to others. I'm not telling you to stop extending grace as Jesus did, only to think farther outside of the box. God does not work within our realm of understanding, so why should we continue to think within a box that attempts to limit our God? Be imaginative. Be spontaneous in the Lord. Follow God wherever He may take you, even if you don't think you ought to go to said place. As I previously said, God does not work within our understanding, so how can we continue to believe that we are more right than He? How can we possibly know the outcome when we can't even understand the creator?
     Men and women, boys and girls, I tell you now as Jesus told his disciples over two thousand years ago, go into the world and make disciples. Go into the world and follow God, follow His word, for only then will you feel pure, uninterrupted joy. Be creative, imagine the unimaginable, FOLLOW GOD ANYWHERE! GO!

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