Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Survey For All: Creation vs. Evolution.

     For a class project in Senior English on modern issues a friend and I decided to explain the debate between Creation and Evolution. There are two parts to this project; the first part is the research paper which him and I have handled, the second part, however, is a presentation on the side of the argument we find most valid. Both of us being dedicated Christians, obviously we side with Creation. It is for the presentation we need as much help as possible. So it is now that I ask you, if you are aren't a Christian but yet have questions about our faith and beliefs please ask them now, either by commenting below or emailing me at the address I shall post below. If you ARE Christian I ask you now to ask questions you might pose when speaking to someone who wasn't/isn't Christian, questions you've had people ask you about your faith, and/or questions you think might just be helpful when speaking to people who don't believe. I can do as much research as I want, but I wish these questions to come from the public, not some biblical scholar, so please ask them if you have them.

Feel free to email me as well as comment below,

Thank You!


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