Thursday, May 3, 2012

Future Sermons!

     I just found out that I am speaking for my youth group not only twice in the coming months, but the LAST two meetings of this year for us. I knew I'd most likely be speaking at least once before the end because it was mentioned to me a couple weeks ago that there was a day open for me to speak, so naturally I began thinking and praying on what to speak on. Then just a few days ago I found out that there were two days and they were the last, and without even having to sit down and pray, God put two songs in my head, both of which by one of my favorite christian groups, Tenth Avenue North. The first song was You Are More from their second album, The Light Meets the Dark. This song describes the person who doesn't think they can believe because they aren't good enough, but God tells us that we are MORE than the products of our experiences, we are what HE created us to be, not what we've made ourselves. The second song was Beloved from their first album, Over and Underneath. The song Beloved quotes scripture in many places where God and Jesus call us His bride. There is a remarkable history behind it but it all boils down to the fact that Jesus bought us with the blood He shed upon that cross. He proposed to us during that scripture when He offered us His cup. We are His unholy bride.
     Needless to say these weeks are gonna be great. These will be my last weeks with the Lakebay Community Church Youth Group and I cannot wait to deliver these final messages as my farewell before I head off to Multnomah and the rest of Gods' plans for me. So stay tuned! In the coming weeks I shall be posting first You Are More and then Beloved, saying that God loves you for who He made you to be, not who you think you are and that's why we accept His blood because His love is undying.
     This year has been great and I can't wait for what's next!


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