Friday, January 4, 2013

I've Crossed the Danger Line.

      For those of you who don't know, I'm a musician and for about a year now I've been writing music. While writing lyrics lately I've noticed an ongoing theme: the lies and lust of the world; how nothing here is real. When I realized this theme--being used to simply writing down lines as they come to me-- it troubled me, why would I be writing about such a depressing theme?
     These thoughts plagued me for awhile until I realized that I've been missing something--or should I say someone--else for awhile as well. You see, I've been home on break from school, and in my time here I've been for the most part alone aside from my grandma and brother. I've been away from the God filled atmosphere that has become my home at Multnomah, left to fend for my own, in a matter of speaking.
     Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that my home is not a God filled environment, or that God is somehow less present here than at school. What I'm saying is that over the last few months I've gotten used to being in a place where God is mentioned in nearly every conversation, a place where the purpose is to live and learn in a God driven environment. So, coming home I've been forced to rely on my own troubled devices to stay with God, no longer being told by teachers to read my bible.
     Before God I was a distraught creation, always fighting with people, and getting into things I shouldn't. Though, when I found God these things either lessened or went away completely. As my relationship has grown with Christ, I've required more and more of Him to go on day by day. Needless to say, I've become to reliant on others to continue my growth in Christ; I've crossed the danger line.
     This is an area you never want to enter. Yes, if you are being mentored or discipled by someone, some reliance is to be expected, but it should never interrupt your life with Jesus away from that person.  WARNING! This is not an article telling you to become self-reliant in your spiritual growth! This is, however, a post telling you to become reliant on the Savior for your growth. Christ wants to stay near you, and He will run the worlds length to catch you before you fall. You know what this takes, right? Prayer. No matter the circumstance, if you pray, God will answer for He answers all prayers. If you keep contact with Christ, you will feel a passion within you grow white hot until you can't survive unless you drink in His holy word.
     So, if you leave here with anything, please leave with this: Jesus loves you more than all worldly objects. His love for you is unending and unknowable. He will sprint, full-tilt all 24,901 miles (or 40,075 km if you're reading outside of the US) just to catch you before you fall. All you have to do is pray and He'll be by your side.

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