Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Sitcom Ending.

     As I finish watching all eight (let's not acknowledge the ninth) seasons of Scrubs I find myself thinking about my life and sitcoms. Every sitcom ends the same, doesn't it? There's one final problem that needs overcoming, everyones lives settle into anew, and the characters move on, allowing the audience to image what might happen next. There are very few shows that leave me thinking at the end, but Scrubs is one of them. You come into the show with most of the group not knowing one another, they form a strong bond, go through turmoil, then move on. Isn't this what we all want?
     We go through our lives, building relationships and watching our lives move from one event to another, but we don't have the same ending, do we? We would love that ending where everything settles down and the audience can just image the end, but we don't get it.
     The basis of a sitcom is a half hour segment into the lives of some fictional characters as they go through a time in their lives worth watching. They grow, then move on. In this half hour, we are thrown through emotional loops. We laugh, we cry, we sit on the edge of our seats. Some people say not to measure ourselves up to tv shows as not to measure ourselves up to the unrealistic, but there is a certain measure to which I believe you can.
     I propose living our lives as if it were in half hour segments. Live each moment packed with as much excitement for life as possible. No, it's not safe to measure ourselves up to some of the romantic relationships or problem solutions, but to live life with the idea that each half hour is just as important as the last is very important. I love sitcoms because they are loose hearted segments of time where you get a view of an obviously simpler life.
     When they end it's always a sad ordeal though because it's usually an attempt at tear jerking as well as the end of an era. I would like a sitcom ending for my life. I would like to get to a point in my life where ending an era becomes that big of a deal. A point in my life where my relationships are strong enough that it hurts to leave. But...we cannot all have that kind of ending. It's not always possible. It is possible if you live by loving people, as if every moment matters, and don't worry about the little things. We all want our sitcom ending.

P.S. If you didn't get it, the title of this post is an allusion to how every Scrubs episode is named.

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