Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Story Within The Music...

     I have always loved the themes and scores that accompany the adventures our favorite characters act out on screen. Being a lover of all things music, and having humble beginnings in classical music, movie/television show scores are just the next step. They are classical music with a plot. They are some of my favorites not only because some of them are simply fantastically written pieces of musical literature that could hold their own in the classical world as being amazing works of art (even without their visual counterparts), but because they conjure up the images of the stories you've come to love.
     Move scores invoke the imagination, taking you along on those journey's that your favorite characters once lived themselves. They have a way of grabbing you by the scruff of your neck and pulling you in, forcing you to relive the worries and whiles again as you once did the very first time you watched that show or movie.

     What I hope to show you now is one of the more imagination invoking works of art I have probably ever heard. The pure emotion the music expresses portrays naught but what is intended; that of grief at a characters untimely departure, yet happiness lived in new beginnings. I beg of you to forgive my expressed emotion in this post for only a piece of a tv show score, but trust me, there is a method to my madness. Below you will find the link to Doctor Who at The Proms 2010 where they play "This is Gallifrey, Our Home, Our Childhood" (The Doctors and The Masters themes as they reflect on Gallifrey) and "Vale Decem" (the theme that haunts us as we watch the 10th Doctors final moments on screen). Please watch, I pray you find the same haunting joy as I do.

So, without further adieu,

Alons-y! and GERONIMO!

Doctor Who at The Proms 2010

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