Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm No Superman

     I would like to start off this post quoting Lazlo Banes' famous song "Superman;" you've probably heard it if you've seen the hit TV show Scrubs, and if you haven't it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are two specific lines in the chorus I would like you to hear, they go:

"Cause I know I can't do this on my own; no, I know...
I'm No Superman" 

     While in the song Bane is talking about himself needing the object of the song, some random girl, I take it as something else. To me in everyday life it's a plea to God that we can't go on alone, that yes we can take care of ourselves from the outside looking in, but inside we are a stormy ocean. There are those people out there that seem content with worldly possessions, they seem happy, but the happiness doesn't last because while the world may die around us (figuratively), God will never leave our side. There will come a time in your life where you'll get stuck in a rut and need His help. We were made to love Him and He loves us because He created us. We are Gods children, and as a parent wants to help their child, God wants to help us.
     Today in church our pastor actually decided to change it up a bit and invited our oldest church members up to share their stories. I've always been really interested in hearing the stories of my elders and this was no different. There was one piece of advice they told the entire church that will live with me forever:

"In the end, only the things we do for Christ matter."

Lakebay Community Church Member. 

     Just remember, when you're feeling low, God is there because guys...

you're no superman either. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


     I finally named my clarinet! His name is Jacque! I figured, well, he's french, being  Buffett R-13 (obviously french since it was built in France), so he should have a French name. I think it's a good, fitting name for this wooden masterpiece. So, from this point on he shall be dubbed JACQUE! Now onto more pressing matters, what should I name my sax? Soprano, Alto, and Tenor. So that's three names for three unnamed brass beasts. Little help? Any suggestions would be just peachy.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Late New Years Revolution

     So recently I came to the difficult conclusion that I'm out of shape. Not to say I'm fat, I'm just out of shape. In order to battle this epidemic of mine I've decided to pick up one of the most unoriginal New Years Resolutions ever: to jog/lose weight/"tone," or whatever you wanna call it. Anywho, I've recently picked up jogging; nothing too long, cause I've never been much of a long distance runner, but down to the main road and back. I've realized that this can have multiple benefits including, but not limited to helping with my breath support when playing my instruments. I see it as hitting two birds with one stone. So this also goes out to those of you who don't take the time to jog, or think that you're in shape so why go out? But hey, any sort of exercise may serve more than one purpose, so you should ask, why not? And also, to you guys out there, also helps with them girls.
     You may have also noticed that in my title for this post I put it as "My Late New Years Revolution." Well, this was actually a bit of a coincidence. When I was typing out the title I accidentally put Revolution rather than Resolution. But this little slip of the finger may have been exactly what I was going for because you see, I have never been one for jogging, running sure, I love racing, or...pretending like someone is trying to kill me (see "The War Against Reality") or whatever, but never jogging for joggings sake. That is the reason I see this as more of a revolution than a resolution, because I can make all the resolutions I want, but when you say you're making a revolution it just adds a bit of finality to it that demands change, you know? Of course you do!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The War Against Reality.

     I believe that every person, at least every man, is born with this innate desire for adventure. It's part of what we call an imagination, but it's what drives us to create superheroes and alter egos. We read these great tales of adventure such as Harry Potter or see shows like Avatar: the Last Airbender, and we just think it's cool, they're fun to watch, but doesn't it bring a little glimmer to your heart? Aren't they a reminder of what we used to be?
     I believe people write books about fantastical adventures and stories because of this desire for adventure. These tales aren't just whims of the imagination, but what they had hoped would happen as a child; maybe they didn't openly tell their parents oh I hope to receive a letter today saying I'm a wizard or attempt to convince themselves that a Jedi Master would come and select them as the next to join the ranks of that ancient group of peace protectors, but these are maybe the subconscious reflections of what they played in their backyards as children.
     These are the dreams we have. As kids we try to live these amazing journeys, knowing all along that they aren't real, but praying that they might one day become so. As we grow however the little child we are born with slowly backs off to let us live our lives without disturbance, he's still there, but he isn't pushing us to pursue what we now believe impossible. Our childhood imagination is replaced by what we've dubbed Reality.
     Some of us still hold this "inner child" in our minds. I see movies like Star Wars and trailers for the new movie John Carter (based off a book I recently started reading, A Princess of Mars) and I remember this desire for adventure. It's who I am. I'm now 18 and I still hold fast what I did as a child. I'm not insane, I just want a full life. I want to wage war on "reality," because where do dreams come from if not from imagination? Allow your inner child to flourish. Adventure happens when we let it. I'm not suggesting delusions of grandeur, but letting yourself fulfill your dreams. When you tell yourself that you can't, that's when you can't. That's when you've truly let go and when reality has its greatest hold.
     So that's why I say let reality have it's cake, but know that you can have yours. Smile and let go; wage the war against Reality because life without imagination and adventure just doesn't seem worth it. Live life; you only have one, so make every moment as fun as you possibly can.

Monday, February 13, 2012


     All hope is restored!!! I was accepted to Pacific Lutheran University last week! That means I don't have to be scared about not being accepted to Multnomah University! It's just weird to think that our lives are moving forward. It seems like just yesterday I was winning the "Super Sleuth" drawing in my elementary school library to get a free book in third grade. I can't help reminisce in times this close to everything changing. I'm excited to move on yet scared cause everything I've known for my entire life is going to change. But life goes on. We make new friends. We excel in life. The most important thing is to just enjoy life and trust in God.