Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Late New Years Revolution

     So recently I came to the difficult conclusion that I'm out of shape. Not to say I'm fat, I'm just out of shape. In order to battle this epidemic of mine I've decided to pick up one of the most unoriginal New Years Resolutions ever: to jog/lose weight/"tone," or whatever you wanna call it. Anywho, I've recently picked up jogging; nothing too long, cause I've never been much of a long distance runner, but down to the main road and back. I've realized that this can have multiple benefits including, but not limited to helping with my breath support when playing my instruments. I see it as hitting two birds with one stone. So this also goes out to those of you who don't take the time to jog, or think that you're in shape so why go out? But hey, any sort of exercise may serve more than one purpose, so you should ask, why not? And also, to you guys out there, also helps with them girls.
     You may have also noticed that in my title for this post I put it as "My Late New Years Revolution." Well, this was actually a bit of a coincidence. When I was typing out the title I accidentally put Revolution rather than Resolution. But this little slip of the finger may have been exactly what I was going for because you see, I have never been one for jogging, running sure, I love racing, or...pretending like someone is trying to kill me (see "The War Against Reality") or whatever, but never jogging for joggings sake. That is the reason I see this as more of a revolution than a resolution, because I can make all the resolutions I want, but when you say you're making a revolution it just adds a bit of finality to it that demands change, you know? Of course you do!

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