Monday, November 5, 2012

A Bittersweet Motif

     We are a bittersweet motif, aren't we? We go day-by-day living lives of joy and such, but in comparison to our God, we are only fleeting ideas in the grand scheme of things. And on top of all of that, we live lives of sin. Every lie, cheat, and folly another nail in our Saviors hands. It's all bittersweet. We love our lives, and we love our savior (well...some of us do), but by simple instinct we attempt to murder Him on a daily basis. God strives day in and day out to give us better lives, but we by ourselves tear down the kingdom which He builds for us. He makes our lives holy and wonderful, we make our lives sinful and terrifying. It is a bittersweet thought because we want to be happy, but we don't let ourselves. A friend and I have been talking for the last week about over thinking things, a topic we meant for something else, but that follows perfectly into this. We over think things to the point where we unconsciously force ourselves to make the wrong decision rather than what we know to be right.

     What happens when we let God take over our lives? Do you want the simple answer? Nothing but good. Have you heard that Jesus Culture song "Your Love Never Fails"? The bridge goes, "You make all things work together for my good." IT'S TRUE!!! Through Christ there is nothing that is done that will end just as badly as it begun. Let me give you an example. About seven months ago (exactly seven months this friday) my families house burned down. While most people would react may break down, I was forced to rely on Gods strength rather than my own and for the first time in a long while I felt truly joyful. My whole family did. We no longer had to worry about the stupid little things that worried us because we no longer had those stupid little things. We were cared for by other followers of God, and eventually we were called in the middle of a church service to be told that we had had our rental application accepted for an even better house than we had before. God used a horrible event for our good.

     Do you realize how easy it would be for God just to forget about us? Easy. That's how easy it would be. We are just a motif to Him. A motif. The dominant idea in His grand plan for the universe. We are His motif, we are the ones who add the tag bittersweet. We all strive for happiness, yet simultaneously walk in the complete opposite direction. God brings happiness, we want happiness, but we convince ourselves instinctively that our un-Godly actions will bring us happiness.

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