Friday, January 20, 2012

My First Semi-Sermon!

     Sin tears me from God. I am now DEAD. I can't do anything if I'm dead! I'M DEAD! But God, in his infinite wisdom saw to sacrifice his only son to die on that cross so He could resurrect man from their SIN! To resurrect them from their DEATH! When God brought Jesus back from the dead, when He resurrected His son from the dead He brought you back with Him because when Jesus died He freed us all from the chains sin binds you with. He freed us all from our spiritual death. With Him we shall live forever. The guy in the video, Jefferson Bethke, says, "If grace is water, then the Church should be an ocean; it's not a MUSEUM for GOOD PEOPLE, it's a HOSPITAL for the BROKEN." A hospital for the broken, let's think about that for a second. What is a hospital? It's a place of healing. A place where doctors help people; where doctors save people from worldly death. Doesn't DEATH hurt people? The Church is a HOSPITAL for sinners, for us, because we're all sinners. It's a place where God and Jesus, our Holy doctors, can heal us from our death. 
     Sin is DEATH, the two are hand-in-hand, and death hurts people, and our doctors, God and Jesus, want to help you. But you have to know Jesus, don't you? You don't want some stranger healing you, do you? You have to know Jesus to be saved, don't you? Isn't the first thing a doc does when he or she enters the room is introduce themselves? Well, when you walk through the doors of this church, this holy body, Jesus' holy body, that is Jesus and God saying, "welcome, I'll be your savior today, and everyday." Jesus wants to save you from death just as a doctor does, except Jesus can offer one more: an undying, unquenchable love for you, whoever you are. Jesus died for you, He died to save you from an undeniable, impending death. It would be the equivalent of a surgeon seeing that flat line and plunging his hand into his chest to offer you his own heart telling you "I love you." Except, not quite cause your doctor doesn't know you, so how can he love you? But Jesus, He knows you like no other. He knows every sin, every blemish, every unrighteous though but He loves you the same. Just think about that. You may sin, and we all do, you may wonder "why me?", you may fall from His light, but He loves YOU for YOU. Not for what you want to be or what other people want you to be, but for who you are, who he, in his Love, Grace, and Wisdom made you to be. He loves YOU, and wants you to love him too.

Video to be shown before hand: 

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