Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Devo!

Hey guys!

     I'm writing this to you to tell you that this year, the week of Christmas (December 23-December 29), I shall be writing a Christmas Devo! I'm super excited, it's going to be awesome. The topics we shall be covering are...

Sunday December 23: The Prophets Foretell (what the Prophets say about Jesus)

Monday December 24: Advent (looking forward to Christ)

Tuesday December 25: The Coming of a King (Jesus birth)

Wednesday December 26: The Love of a King (the Gospel of Jesus and His love for us)

Thursday December 27: The Application of Love (the sacrifice Christ made for us/the great commission)

Friday December 28: Why was Christ sent? (why did God give up His only son?)

Saturday December 29: The Second Coming (us looking forward to Christ coming again)

Thanks guys!

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