Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Human Trihead...or not.

     Earlier tonight, a couple friends and I were having a discussion on bodily lust and an idea, a simple thought occurred to me. As you know, we as Gods creation were made in His glorious image. However, the question we fail to ask ourselves is: how far does God stretch His image to create us?
     I suggest that even we are made in multiple parts. Just as we think of God in His trihead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), I wonder if we are made the same. We are made of flesh, a body that has its own desires and wishes. Our bodies crave for nourishment, they crave for contact, they desire of their own accord without, out of our control. However, we are not defined by what our body wants. We are made with a consciousness, a spirit made to love and be loved by our creator. When we die, our fleshly body stays here on Earth, but our souls make the journey to Heaven to be greeted by Jesus.
     It is my developing belief that we may in fact be made in two parts, our bodies and our soul. Our soul connects to Jesus and allows us to control our actions. Our soul and consciousness are the tether we harness to our bodies so we don't end up as sex-crazed savages, living only by bodily whim. Our God given souls make us different from one another, they tell us that there is more that just the savage desires we are plagued with.
     It is only yet an idea, not based in scripture quite yet, but I shall be looking far more intently into the subject. Feel free to tell me what you think and comment any ideas or anything! Thanks!

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