Saturday, December 29, 2012

Where Have The Years Gone?

     As I sit here, bored, on my winter break away from college I find myself reminiscing about the years that have passed me by. It seems like only yesterday I was the chubby nerdy kid, freaking out about going from 8th grade to being a freshman in high school. I had the first girlfriend I had ever had, I had a strong group of friends who were big into music like me, and I was terrified about changing in the locker room at school. So much has changed.
     I wasn't really a Christian then, and it showed. I was angry with everyone at home, always looking for an argument, and everywhere else I was simply stubborn--that though has carried through the years. But as the years continued I found God and so on...
     I've been looking though old photos, reliving memories of years past and it has kind of been driving me insane to be honest. I look at photos of friends I don't keep in contact with anymore and friends I do. I see how much people have changed. I have friends who went from being that oddball Emo kid to one of the most popular kids by the end of school. Friends whose only difference from then to now is how long their hair cut is. I have friends I used to count among some of my closest, but choices we made on just what classes to take brought us apart. Then I have friends I still love from school, and those who I have made this year that I hope never to grow from.
     It's weird looking back at change, but you never quite realize where you are now without looking at where you've been. We all go through so much in our lives, but we rarely stop to look at the change, choosing to just continue on our own paths. I understand that there is no point in living in the past, however, there is a lot to be gained from taking a moment now and again to look back and see how you've grown. I encourage you to do so. Look back. Not for long, just to see how the road looks behind you.

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