Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Messages from the Flock: A Final Word.

Hey guys!

     Thank you guys so much for reading my blog this month, and to those of you who posted, thank you all that much more. It was really inspiring to see the numbers go up as people read about their peers trials and tribulations with God as well as the blessings. Lives were effected this month. I hope that this becomes a yearly event that keeps growing in interest until the numbers are off the charts as people read about the work God is doing with His flock. Guys, we are His children, we are His sheep and He our shepherd. We are His flock. Let God lead you, let Him speak truth into your lives. We aren't leaders, success is nothing without Jesus. Let His light shine and guide you. 
     And lastly I would like to add, live loved. Jesus loves all of us as a Father loves His children. So, in this Christmas season, remember that even though you may not have the money for gifts or may not have a loving family to spend the season with, just know that Jesus loves you. 

Live Loved, 

Josh (Nintendawg)

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